Nov 9, 2007

Lecture 5 Usability

Danial Cunliffe was today lecture, he now replaces geenen for 3 weeks. Firstly Danial introduced himself and told us abit about what he was going to talk about for those 3 weeks.

He talked about firstly about the usability of various devices but mainly talked about his car. Which was quite amusing. He told us about how he had 6 gears in his car and how he was use to that, then when he went in his wife's car she only had 5 gears. So when you was racing down the motorway he would try and put his wife's car into the 6Th gear it would make this crunching sound. This was due to the fact he was putting it in to reverse. He later told us he still has to keep buying new gear boxes.

He then showed us this old tv whihc had 4 push buttons. He told the channels which responded to them. Danial then said, "What happens when more channels are added" everyone started to laugh.

We then looked at different contexts of usability and discussed them.

Single Use/Multiple Use
Single User/ Group User
Informing / Teaching / Obtaining
Novice User / Experienced User

That's all we had time for

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