Jan 20, 2008

Week 14th - 19th Jan 2008


In the lecture today we looked at different types of file formats. Such as JPEG and GIF. We looked how the two different file formats have various pixel sizes. The same goes for different moniters and screens. 800×600 and 1024×76 are some of the common display resolution. We measure dots per inch (dpi) and pixels per inch (ppi). The number of distinct colors that can be represented by a pixel depends on the number of bits per pixel(bpp).

8 bpp, 28 = 256 colors
16 bpp, 216 = 65536 colors (Thousands)
24 bpp, 224 = 16,777,216 colors (Millions)

JPEG is mainly used for Photographs and GUI is used for Poster Type Image's. Jpeg has a colour depth of 24-bit and Gui has a 8-bit.


In the tutorial we used photoshop. We had photo shop images to download off blackboard and had to arrange them and edit them in photoshop. We had a final image and had to resemble that imagine as best we could. We edit the pictures in various ways like using the magic wand and picture effects.

Personnel Reflection

This week i realised that photoshop is a powerful tool in the multimedia industry. The way you can man manipulate images to make them work for you in different ways. I feel that coming to grips with a program like photshop will enhance my learning and achieve the results i want.

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