Dec 12, 2007

03/12 - 7/12


I was not able to attend todays lecture due to my house buddy having a serious car accident that morning. It was lucky to say he survived and is getting back to his usual daily routine.


In todays tutorial we looked at different ways we can target a path in flash. This seemed and sounded difficult to do. Geenen left us a guidelines to follow on blackboard. Geenen's notes are easy and simple to read, Once again i worked through Geenen notes quickly but accurately. Within half an hour i had done the work. I was not happy though, i feel that i could of improved my flash file. Instead of using 2 buttons to starts and stop the program. i took one of the buttons out and added a if statement to the action script. This allowed me to start and stop the file using one button. Thats all i had time for this week.

Personnel Reflection

This week i found that i have learned enough flash to carry out simple tasks with out the help of the staff at the university. The Christmas term is just a week a way, to keep my self occupied i am going to continue my learning of flash through out the holiday. Hopefully Santa will put me a flash book in my stocking.

1 comment:

Geneen said...

Hi, I realise it was for a good reason you missed the lecture but you should research the topic of the lecture so you're still able to blog about something to get your marks. I hope your friend is getting better and you're not too shocked over this.