Dec 2, 2007

26/11 to 30/11

Lecture- Multimedia Design Techniques

First of all Geenen started talking about all the new techniques we have learned in Flash and how we could use these techniques to create a website. She then told us what we would be doing next term. It sounded like we would have to create a website of some sort.

In tutorials we have been creating flash applications. Each week have a new task to challenge. Geenen told us we could publish our Flash Files and put them on our blogs.Guess i will have to dig out my old files.

Today lecture was all about design techniques, there were four main sections to this topic.

Structure Charts
Flow Charts
Story Board

Once again Geenen showed us another amusing clip. But this guy had enough and walked out of the class, The whole lecture hall laughed.

Tutorial - Tweens within Tweens

The tutorial today was pretty hard we had to put a tween inside another tween. Geenen made this look easy on her example. We had to make two words move across the screen. Sounds simple but I was wrong. I gave it my best shot and manage to get the words moving across the screen. My attempt was nearly a bit like geenen example but my words didn't squish up when it hit the side. If i have time i will try and upload the flash file.


This week's lecture and tutorial have made me realise how much i enjoy flash and the skills which surround flash. I am defiantly going to take this module next year if i get the chance. Learning Multimedia Design Techniques this week has given me a much better insight in to the way we use flash as a development tool.

Its a bit like programming really. You can not just jump straight right in, you got to do a bit of background work first e.g storyboards. I am not that creative but these techniques i have learned will improve my design work in general.

Story Boards

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